Why might it be a good idea
to take note of what was happening in your life between 3-8 October?
Because the first of three
conjunctions between Mercury and Rahu in Libra occurred on Sunday 6 October,
and between Mercury and Saturn on 8 October. How can three conjunctions occur
between Mercury and these two planets within about a month’s time? Well, this
is due to the upcoming Mercury
Retrograde phase, which takes place between:
21 October - Sunday 10 November 2013 …
MERCURY RETROGRADES at 24°20’ Libra (with Rahu and Saturn nearby in Libra)
The effects of Mercury
Retrograde are also felt in a lesser way during the pre- and post-retrograde
“shadow periods”, when it passes over the degrees where it first turned
Retrograde and then when it returns back to its Direct motion, so it would be
useful to keep these suggestions in mind also through around 28 November, even
if just by noticing how any communications or other issues that came up during
Mercury Retrograde are trying to be resolved.
So, though it may seem
daunting, through 28 November try to monitor and reflect more than usual on all
thought- and communications-processes before acting. Also, as much as possible,
do LESS rather than more, and be sure you've got back-up plans for whatever
plans are being made, and just roll with the unexpected. The
Mercury-Rahu-Saturn school is sure to be a big learning period, especially
since they’ll be occurring in the midst of the 19 October Lunar Eclipse and the
3 November Solar Eclipse occuring in the signs of Aries and Libra.
To be able to observe and
understand better possible ways the energies will be developing in your
consciousness and activities - try noting what was happening in and around you
between 3-8 October (ESPECIALLY Sunday 6 October when the Moon conjuncted both
Mercury and Rahu) -- and note the dates for the upcoming ECLIPSES as well as
dates of the next two Mercury-Rahu conjunctions:
Friday-Saturday, 18-19 October - LUNAR
ECLIPSE (Moon 1°42 Aries / Sun 1°42 Libra)
** Sunday, 3 November - SOLAR ECLIPSE
(Moon and Sun 17°12 Libra) **
Honing in on the
Mercury-Rahu conjunctions:
Sunday, 6 October conjunction at 13°
** Sunday, 3 November conjunction at 13° Libra
(with Mercury Retrograde) **
Monday, 18 November conjunction at 12°
Honing in on the
Mercury-Saturn conjunctions:
Tuesday, 8 October, conjunction at 16°
Tuesday, 26 November, conjunction at 22°
On Eclipse days and during
Mercury’s Retrograde period it is best to take special care with all forms of
communications whether verbal or written; especially one’s own internal
reasoning processes, and be more patient than usual with yourself and others.
If you have to sign contracts or begin a new project, marriage, etc, be
prepared for the need to make adjustments and find a new clarity in whatever
you’ve chosen to undertake. Take extra precautions when travelling, and go with
the flow with any delays or unexpected turns of events, trusting that the
cosmos knows better than you what’s best! Sorry to keep repeating this, but
don’t be afraid to plan to do less, rather than more, and take some time to
connect with your breath and your heart, rather than putting all your trust in
the rational-analytical mind.
Please note: The planetary
Lords of Time are always changing their positions and modiyfing their effects
on our consciousness and on world events. This is only a small sampling of
current planetary tendencies. Especially, while we astrologers tend to try
giving a “heads up” advice for planetary trends, the energy available is always
pure, and the more we are attuned to our Center, or our higher Self, the more
we are able to use the energies in positive ways that serve our and humanity’s
evolution. So, please avoid taking the words in my reports as being harbingers
of troubles and difficulties. All the planets are always aligning in various
creative ways to stimulate us to grow and to change for the better. And try to
trust that no matter what we may think, everything is always happening for the
Also note: All degrees and
Zodiac sign references are based on the actual, physical SIDEREAL ZODIAC; not
on the Tropical Zodiac positions generally used in the West, which are based on
the relative positions of the planets in relation to the Equinoxes and
Solstices, and thus are not true indications of the actual planetary positions.
If you have any questions about this, try doing a research on Google for
“Sidereal Zodiac”.
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