Thursday, 27 February – The Moon in Capricorn (in the actual, physical Sidereal
Zodiac), is together with Mercury and Venus. It’s also the 14th day of the
Waning Moon which this month marks the celebration of Maha Shivaratri in the
Vedic calendar. Thus this Moon is in a particular harmony with Venus and
Mercury – Love and Communications – and being at the end of the waning phase,
the Moon, representing our emotions and thinking, creates a very interiorized
and intuitive energy if we succeed in quieting the rationalizing dialogue in
our mind to allow us to hear our intuitive voice.
and Venus generally represent benefic energies, and they are in the Sign of
Capricorn governed by Saturn, which is friendly to them. Saturn represents
detachment from emotions, discipline, limitations – therefore the Moon in
Capricorn is more practical and less emotional than usual. The Moon is happy
being in the company of two Benefic planets.
from now through 25 March many people may experience impatience and frustration
- and this all depends on how it impacts on one’s birth chart as well as one’s
ability to maintain centered - given that Mars is in Libra and is preparing to
enter its Retrograde phase on Saturday, 1 March, turning “backwards” in
relation to its relative position to the Earth. This is because while both
Venus and Mercury are in Capricorn they will be receiving the energy of Mars
who aspects Capricorn from Libra.
if things are not going the way you want them to, it would be wise to accept
delays and frustrations calmly and see in what way the delays are giving you
time to check details, improve your organization, complete unfinished tasks and
correct errors – and above all pay attention to your breathing in order to
connect with your higher intuition.
BECAUSE – we are in a rare moment when
four planets in the sky are preparing to “change direction” in relation to the
Earth’s position almost simultaneously ->
Tomorrow, Friday, 28 February, Mercury leaves its Retrograde phase and turns
Direct in Capricorn.
Saturday, 1 March, Mars turns Retrograde in Libra, shortly after the New Moon
in Aquarius.
Sunday, 2 March, Saturn turns Retrograde in Libra.
And we are awaiting Thursday, 6 March when Jupiter will leave its Retrograde
phase and turn Direct in Gemini.
may feel a bit like when your car has been blocked in a tight parking space and
you have to keep moving it back-and-forth in order to exit the tight spot.
these changing energies can make us feel confused and uncertain, it would be
highly beneficial if we can succeed in slowing down our activities a bit and
modify our expectations, for these planetary energies are actually allowing us more
time to review our plans and expectations until after 6 March when Jupiter goes
Direct in Gemini.